The changing face of narrative in content marketing and campaigns

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The importance of content marketing in a world inundated with data is becoming increasing apparent. In fact, if you aren’t doing it, the money and time spent on what you are producing is frankly a waste. Content is now a vital part of search as marketers move away from thinking only in an overabundance of keywords. But what about story and the future of narrative? We looked back at a couple of the videos from our recent JUMP conference that highlighted the importance of story and looking at new ways to create it. Story should supersede platform Christy Amador is the Global Interactive Marketing Strategist at Coca-Cola, and she spoke at JUMP about how there has to be one ‘north star’ idea that links a campaign together. At Coca-Cola, it has been building its brand around telling great stories that make people happy. By being able to tell a good story you can roll that into any type of campaign….

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