Interview mit Satyaa und Pari auf dem Yogafestival Berlin

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Interview mit Satyaa und Pari auf dem Yoga Festival Berlin 2012

Wertemanufaktur’s insight:

Video-link: Interview with bhajan singer Satyaa and Pari


Founder of YMH Phillip Strohm interviewed Satyaa and Pari at the Yoga Festival Berlin 2012 for

"Like hardly any other bhajan singer Satyaa and Pari touch with their music the hearts of men. The crowd dances, laughs, sings and cries even sometimes with their songs. At the Yoga Festival in Berlin, Phillip Strohm able to talk to them.

With them from time to time and your daughter Mira. We talked to all three of them on the importance of Bhakti, their new CD and the most important question in life."


See details > video-interview >

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