Bankrupting Nature – Denying our Planetary Boundaries | THE CLUB OF ROME (

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Wertemanufaktur’s insight:

Never heard before? >>>>>  Bankrupting Nature’s 12 key messages

1. Scientific evidence is overwhelming that human pressures on the planet have reached a point that poses major risks for future welfare and prosperity. …

2.  The sustainability crisis is manifested through social, financial, economic and environmental problems now playing out globally. We are faced with a set of serious challenges, driven by wasteful production and consumption, skewed trading and subsidy systems, and persistent and recurring financial crises. ….

3. The concept of “planetary boundaries” provides us with a science-based framework that can guide us through the necessary transition to sustainability…..  


4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9., 10., 11., 12. and more details

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